Monday, March 26, 2007

Me , Myself and My Sari

As any other respectable south-Indian Iyengar girl , the first thing , I should have probably done at the age of 16 , is well learn how to wear a sari !!Well , I did ... I swear I really really did ... I lover sari's and for some weird reason they end up looking incredibly elegant and unbelievably beautiful on every single woman other than yours truly ...

I dunno ,what exactly it is about me and my sari but for some weird reason It just refuses to stay in place for more than a total of 10 mins ..Of course for the first 2-3 times , I happily put the blame on my mother and told her that she just cudnt tie a sari which stood on me for more than 10 mins , and then when she finally gave up , I blamed a bunch of friends , aunts , cousins etc.etc but that elusive sari never stood still .

I have had my own experiences with each of my sari's , the green one is Ms. Slippery Slip ( named after the slide down the faraway tree from my favorite Enid Blyton series ) , well I dunno if the sari is jinxed or what , but unbeliveably I slipped a total for 58 times during my school farewell party , ( yes yes , that included slipping on stage , spilling oil from the lamp we were made to carry and generally making the stage slippery for all after me )

The Blue one is nick-named " meen kaari " ( well yeah , that wuz my nickname for a long long time ) This time when I was assuming a post in the college student union , well my sari just HAD TO GIVE WAY THE PRECISE MOMENT I WALKED ON STAGE well I really cudnt have continued walking up , Could I ? so I bundled up the entire sari (in skirt included) and lifted it and walked up on stage with the audience letting out a collective GASP of horror ... and it definitely didnt help that my aunt who also happened to be the principal of the college - WELL GLARED AT ME - SIGH ! NEVER MIND , well thank goodness for it being a women's college .

Of course , my most recent incident has been Ms.Peek-a-Boo , M not even going to dwell on this one , but well , A very good friend's brother was getting married and all my friends decided to wear ( guess what !! ) a sari !! sigh !! of course bad enough me being the pigmy hippo I get mistaken for a 10 -yr old ... so well , I put up this brave front and said , yeas yeas sari is good ... sigh !!!! little did I know !!!!!

Well , all that being said , I havent given up as yet ... with more determination than ever I embark on yet another journey today ( I am wearing a sari to office !!! ) .. so will let u know how that one goes , now all I need is a Hug and someone to say "All the Best "


Zak said...

its not tht bad eh!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeas it is ,hehehehehehe - awwww sowwwwweeeee Kaav

Unknown said...

heyy..buddy...i will not say you look simply super and good and all those stuffs like others guys...bcoz i am not that you said...your eyes are pritty big...but looks good...and abt that yellow you look really pls try to be what you you short temper, drinking hot chai in my favorite too..but pls add sugar if i will be

Anonymous said...

hey gud work.. i like the way u've expressed urself..but u seem to be writing a lot on physical appearances [urs especially!!:)] its a fun blog that i enjoy reading.. keep it up!

PS- i was jus readin ur 'abt me" n realised u've picked topics where u've discussed bein fat,short,clumsy n i wonder if the next one's abt havin a bath once a week! hehe